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EverWeb 4.2.1: Important Update for Better Usability and Stability

Friday, July 5, 2024

We're excited to announce the release of EverWeb 4.2.1, a minor but significant update. This version focuses on improving usability and stability, making your website-building experience smoother and more reliable.
This update builds on the recently released EverWeb 4.2 which introduced new Video & Map Fill options for shapes, enhanced responsive row features, and more.
Stability Fixes for WidgetsWe've addressed an issue that caused EverWeb to crash when copying and pasting widgets between projects. This problem occurred when a widget had a single asset selection option but no asset was selected. With this fix, you can now copy and paste widgets between projects without any issues.
Font Panel and Global Style FixPreviously, there was an issue with the Global Style name not...

Web Page Background Videos, Full Screen Images & More

Friday, June 28, 2024

Enhancing Your Website's Background with EverWebCreating a visually appealing website doesn't have to be a complex endeavor, especially with EverWeb, the easiest web site builder for macOS and Windows. EverWeb allows anyone to design beautiful, responsive websites without a single line of code. 
One of the key features that can make your website stand out is the ability to customize your web page and browser backgrounds effortlessly. Here's how you can leverage EverWeb 4.1 or higher to create the perfect backdrop for your website.
Setting Up & Customizing a Browser Background With EverWeb
The browser background is the canvas behind the content of your pages, offering an additional layer of design to your website. With EverWeb, you can customize this on a per-page basis or...

Explore the New Features in EverWeb 4.2: Enhancing Website Design and Functionality

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

EverWeb 4.2 brings a host of new features designed to streamline the website design process and enhance the functionality of your website. These updates focus on providing more flexibility and ease of use for users, regardless of their technical expertise. Here's an overview of the most notable new features in EverWeb 4.2 and how they can benefit your website design.
Enhanced Shape Options with Background Video and Map FillsThe introduction of Background Video Fill and Map Fill options in the Shape Options-> Fill section marks a significant enhancement for website aesthetics and functionality. These options allow for more dynamic and interactive backgrounds, enabling designers to incorporate videos or maps directly into the design of their pages. Whether it's adding a captivating...

EverWeb's Membership Platform for Easy Website Monetization

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Is it time to monetize your website? Now you can use EverWeb to easily charge your visitors to access your exclusive website content behind a password protected page.
Membership systems are essential tools for creators, entrepreneurs, and organizations, allowing them to provide specialized content, products, or services to a loyal subscriber base. These systems not only enhance customer engagement but also ensure a steady source of revenue.
Beginning in EverWeb 4.0, you can now easily add a fully featured membership system to your EverWeb website. Additonally, we walk you through the entire process so it's never been easier!
Watch below how you can easily set up various membership packages that your visitors can subscribe to directlty from your website. Then you can password...

New Features in EverWeb's Contact Forms Advanced

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Introduced in EverWeb version 4.0, you now have all new customization features in the Contact Forms widget: Columns and Dividers. These features are designed to provide more flexibility in your Contact Forms' design and make it easier for your visitors to fill and submit their details to you.
What's New with EverWeb's Contact Forms?Columns: Put Fields Side by SideEver noticed how forms usually stack fields one on top of the other? Well, with the new Columns feature, you can place fields side by side. This is great for long forms with lots of fields to make it easier for your visitors to fill out.
Here's an idea: If you're making a sign-up form for a class or a newsletter, you can use columns to make your form shorter and faster to fill out. Put 'First Name' next to 'Last Name'...

Upcoming in EverWeb 4.2: Video & Google Maps Fill Options

Friday, March 29, 2024

In EverWeb 4.2 we are adding new background fill options for any shapes including Video Fill and Google Maps Fill.
The addition of Video and Google Map fill options for any shape, including the versatile Responsive Row, offers additional options to easily add video and map functionality to your website without any coding.
Here we will go over how you can utilize these new features to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your site.
Video Fill: Bringing Motion to Your ShapesEverWeb's Video Fill option allows you to embed videos directly into shapes on your website, adding a layer of motion and interactivity that can capture the attention of your visitors. Whether it's a rectangle, circle, or even a Responsive Row, you can now fill these shapes with videos from various...

EverWeb 4.1 Released! Optimized Images, Video Backgrounds & More...

Thursday, January 25, 2024

With the release of EverWeb 4.1 we've worked hard to give you the tools you need to create a beautiful, professional website the loads quickly for your visitors and is optimized for search engines including Google search index.
With EverWeb 4.1 we continue to offer new tools to easily design a website exactly that way you want.
So What's New In EverWeb 4.1?
With the release of EverWeb 4.1, we poured our energy and expertise into improving the features essential for developing professional, fast-loading websites that stand out in search engine rankings, especially on Google. EverWeb 4.1 is more than an upgrade; it significantly enhances your websites with just the click of a button.

Automatic Image Optimization: 100% Faster WebsitesEverWeb 4.1 introduces a transformative...

Coming Soon: Full Screen Video Page Background

Thursday, January 18, 2024

As we eagerly await the upcoming release of EverWeb 4.1, we're excited to give you a sneak peek into what's in store. 
This new version is all about enhancing the visual appeal and usability of your websites, introducing two major features: Background Videos and Enhanced Background Image Settings. 
We already wrote about the automatic image optimization and website speed up that you can expect in version 4.1
Now you can add mobile friendly, full screen video backgrounds to your EverWeb websites.
1. Background Videos: Adding Life to Your Pages
The introduction of background videos in EverWeb 4.1 lets you add a unique and captivating effect to your EverWeb websites. This feature enables you to set videos as backgrounds in your web pages with just a few clicks in the...

Coming Soon: Speed Up Your Site with EverWeb 4.1: Automatic WebP Conversion and Image Lazy Loading

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Your website’s load time is not just a convenience—it can be the deciding factor between capturing an audience or losing them to the back button. EverWeb is set to introduce an exciting update in version 4.1 that promises to drastically enhance your website’s performance. The key features in this update are automatic WebP image conversion and lazy loading image options, aimed at speeding up your site and improving your search engine rankings.
What Are WebP Images?
WebP, the image format developed by Google, is known for its superior compression and image quality, which allow it to be smaller in file size compared to traditional formats like JPEG and PNG without sacrificing quality. This means quicker website load times and less bandwidth usage—a win for both website owners...

EverWeb's All New Global Styles & Colors

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

One of the highlights in EverWeb 4.0 is the Global Styles feature. These powerful new settings will help you ensure consistency in your design and the ability to quickly and easily update all styles across your entire website with ease. Here's how to harness the full potential of Global Styles in EverWeb, whether you're designing your website on macOS or Microsoft Windows.

Accessing EverWeb's Global StylesBefore diving into the details, it’s essential to access the Global Styles editor. You can find it under the Format menu; just navigate to 'Default Styles' after opening your project file. This is your starting point for defining the look and feel of your website's text and colors.

Setting Up Default StylesAt the heart of the Global Styles dialog box, you'll see the...

Boost Your Website's Visibility with EverWeb's Check Page & SEO Suggestions Feature

Sunday, November 5, 2023

EverWeb makes designing and updating your website simple. Now, getting top search engine rankings is easy too!
EverWeb 4.0 brings an all new Check Page feature which provides step-by-step instructions for optimizing your EverWeb website for search engines. A well-optimized website not only ranks higher in search results but also attracts more organic traffic, leading to increased visitors and potential customers.
Designed with simplicity in mind, this feature offers detailed SEO suggestions to enhance your site's rankings and overall user experience. And the best part? You don't need to be an SEO expert to use it!

How To Use the New Check Page SEO Suggestions in EverWeb1. Setting Up Keywords: Begin by specifying your webpage's keywords. These keywords are the terms...

EverWeb 4.0.1 Maintenance Update Released

Saturday, October 14, 2023

EverWeb 4.0.1 is now available with some imprortant fixes. If you have upgraded to EverWeb 4, we recommend this update for all users.
You can download this update from the Downloads Page or use the Check for Update feature within EverWeb.

EverWeb 4.0 Major Release: Membership Site, SEO Check Page, Global Styles + More

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

We are extremely excited to announce EverWeb 4.0 is now available. So much has been added to this release, it's hard to know where to start!
EverWeb 4.0 focuses on improving ease of use of website designing and monetizing your websites with the all new Membership Sites.

New Widget Roundup: Easy Image Galleries, Promotions & More

Friday, September 29, 2023

Over the past few weeks a number of new EverWeb widgets have been released. These new & updated widgets seamlessly integrate with EverWeb 4's new Global Styles feature, enabling you to define global fonts and colors across your website for a professional and consistent design.
From promoting new products, displaying your images in galleries or sliders and more, these new widgets add to the over 100 powerful EverWeb Add-ons that are currently available.
New Arrivals from EverWeb Garden
Attention Bar Widget for EverWebAnnouncing a new product or sharing an important update is now easier with the Attention Bar Widget. It displays a message at the top of your browser, allowing your website content to gracefully move down, making space for the announcement. With animation and...

Coming Soon: Responsive Fonts That Adapt Automatically To Screen Size

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Your website is going to be be opened on desktops, tablets and phones, all with different screen sizes. Sometimes your fonts will be too large, or too small for the screen it is being viewed on.
In EverWeb 4.0 we've added our new font engine that will automatically make your text adapt to the device it is being viewed on. 
As you can see in the video below, your text size can change depending on the size of the browser, or the size of the device your website is viewed on.

All you have to do to use this feature is specify the Minimum Font Size from the Inspector > Text Settings panel fo
r the selected text. EverWeb will then adapt your text font size to the screen size.

This features works with the Global Styles feature we discussed earlier which is...

Coming Soon: Monetize Your EverWeb Website With Membership Sites

Monday, July 31, 2023

Calling all coaches, fitness  professionals, religious institutions, schools, and more! Our new Membership & Subscriber platform is here.
The biggest new feature in EverWeb 4.0 is our all new, fully featured Membership & Subscription Service. Now you can easily monetize your EverWeb websites.
Now anyone who wants to password protect certain sections of their website and charge for entry can easily do this with EverWeb's all new Membership Sites Platform.
It's Easy For Your Customers To SubscribeEverWeb will handle everything for you, from creating secure login forms, handling payment & invoices, protecting your data, and more.
Simply set up your Membership Levels and mark the pages on your EverWeb site that should be accessible to these levels and EverWeb will take care...

Coming Soon in EverWeb 4.0: Global Styles & Colors

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

We're working hard on EverWeb 4.0 which will come with some amazing new features and enhancements. One new feature that we're very excited about is Global Styles & Colors.
This means you can now define a list of font styles and colors and use them throughout your website. Then you can quickly change or update them and these new style changes will be applied to your entire site.
You can create any amount of styles you like and use them within text boxes, blogs and widgets. Plus, while using Global Styles your website code is more optimized for faster loading pages.
EverWeb Global Styles Editor
Open the Global Style Editor to manage, edit and create new global styles, colors, default styling and more. Any changes you make to your global styles will be reflected on all your...

EverWeb 3.9.6 for Mac & Windows Improvements

Monday, May 8, 2023

We just released an update to EverWeb for macOS and Windows.
We focused on some important improvements for Windows, specifically with widget preview updates within the EverWeb Design Canvas.
We also focused on general improvements on Windows and Mac.
EverWeb 3.9.6 can be downloaded from the Downloads page or by using the Check for Update feature within EverWeb.

EverWeb 3.9.5 Now Available for Mac & Windows

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

EverWeb 3.9.5 is now available with a number of fixes for both Mac & Windows. 
This version does focus on overall improvements for Windows, including fixing some crashing bugs, inspector scrolling and overall general usage.
We also fixes a number of Widgets, including the all new Stripe Payment Widget introduced in EverWeb 3.9. You can now use multiple Stripe Widgets in your website.
Most Widgets that accept images now give you the ability to drag and drop images on them directly from your computer or the Assets list. For example, the PayPal & Stripe widget can now accept an image dropped on it within the EverWeb Design Canvas making it easier to add images to any of your widgets. 
Other improvements include Fill->Image Slider fixes and fixes for the Image Slider Widget...

EverWeb 3.9.2 for Mac & Windows Released

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

We have just posted a new version of EverWeb for Mac & Windows. Version 3.9.2 brings compatibility improvements for the latest versions of macOS and fixes some important issues on Windows.
It also includes a way to import Sandvox Image Galleries into any EverWeb gallery widget, just like the new iWeb Photo Gallery Import.
One important change we made is making it much easier to embed any video file on your computer into an EverWeb blog post. That means you can right click on any video file added to EverWeb's Assets list and copy and paste the Full Asset URL into the Insert Video option in the blog post editor.
Additionally we have fixed some issues with the Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on to improve email sending when you are using the EverWeb API for email notifications.

Sell Anything Online with Stripe & EverWeb

Monday, December 5, 2022

With EverWeb, you have so many options to sell your products and services online, including digital products like PDFs, videos, software and more.
With EverWeb 3.9 we made this even easier with the all new Stripe.com Widget. 

Stripe.com makes it easy for you to sell anything online using Credit Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and more. In some countries they allow local money transfers and a one-click check out process.
Now with EverWeb 3.9, you can easily set up a stripe store and sell anything you can think of online.
Our new video tutorial will walk you through the steps of setting up your Stripe products and start selling online.

Even More Ways to Sell Online With EverWebWe have a number of ways you can sell online, including with Stripe & Paypal as well as...

EverWeb for Windows Now Available + EverWeb 3.9.1 Released

Thursday, December 1, 2022

We are very excited to announce the release of EverWeb for Windows. Now you can use your favorite website builder on both Mac and Windows computers.
EverWeb for Windows works just like the Mac version, so if you are comfortable with EverWeb already, you can begin using it on Windows right away. Your project files can be used on either operating system.
What to Know About EverWeb for WindowsAlthough the Mac & Windows versions of EverWeb are essentially the same, there are some differences because of the way the operating systems work.
Your EverWeb project files on Windows will be an actual folder, not a single file. If you only use your project file from the Projects window then you will not notice this. However, if you try and double click a project file from the Windows...

Dividers & Separator Styles in EverWeb 3.9

Thursday, November 17, 2022

One of the coolest features we've added to EverWeb 3.9 is the ability to have divider styles applied to any element on your EverWeb website.
The new dividers feature allows you to add some amazing new designs to any EverWeb website. They work great on desktop and mobile devices automatically and are especially useful when using responsive rows or full width objects.
The concept of a dividers is to provide a nice transition design between sections on your EverWeb site. You will notice them throughout our updated website here and on EverWebGarden.com
This video tutorial will show you exactly how to use Dividers on your EverWeb website.
Adding a Divider to an Object on Your WebsiteTo add a divider to a page on your website, select any object on your page and go to the Inspector->Shape...

All New EverWeb 3.9 Includes Stripe Payments, Beautiful Dividers and more...

Sunday, November 6, 2022

We've packed so much into EverWeb 3.9 it will be hard to cover it all in just one blog post! Some major new features are now available to help in your website design, selling your products online, search engine optimization and more!
First, you can watch what's new in EverWeb 3.9 below where we highlight the major new features. 

EverWeb for Windows Now AvailableEverWeb can now be used on Windows or Mac. Just visit the EverWeb download page and start designing and managing your website on Windows today.
EverWeb for Windows works just like the Mac version but updated and refined for Windows.

Stripe.com Payments For Selling Your Products & ServicesYou can now easily set up a Stripe payment account to sell your products and services directly through your website....

Coming Soon: Selling online with Stripe.com in EverWeb 3.9

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Looking to expand your online sales? 
We are hard at work with EverWeb 3.9 and we have a whole bunch of new features and enhancements.
With EverWeb 3.9 we are making it so easy to accept credit card payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay and more with Stripe.com

Stripe.com makes it so easy to sell physical and digital products or even recurring services. With EverWeb 3.9 you will be able to easily add stripe products to your website with the all new Stripe Payment Widget.

Even more, your Stripe products can accept Apple and Google Pay in addition to regular credit & debit cards.
The final checkout screen seen by your customers is optimized automatically for both Desktop and Mobile displays.
It's never been easier to sell online with EverWeb & Stripe!

New Contact Form Enhanced Features - Stay in Touch With Your Visitors

Thursday, September 15, 2022

With the latest version of EverWeb, we've added even more features to the Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on. Collecting information from your visitors and keeping in touch with them has never been easier!
For a long time with the Contact Forms Enhanced add-on you could create completely customizable forms, with an unlimited number of fields, including File Uploads.
This means you can collect as much information as you like from your visitors.

Download Multiple File Attachments at OnceThese file uploads would go to your backend client area where you could search, sort and export all of your form submission for easy managment. 
With the latest update to the Contact Forms Enhanced add-on you can now download all selected attachments at once.

Send Mass, Personalized...

Add a Scheduling System to Your EverWeb Website with Calendly

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Do you need your visitors to schedule a call, appointment or anything with you?
Now you can easily set up a fully featured scheduling system on your EverWeb website.

Learn how to quickly and easily integrate calendly into your EverWeb website in our latest video tutorial.
You can easily integrate Calendly within EverWeb in three ways…
Inline - Calendly appears in the body of your website’s page
Popup widget - pressing a button opens Calendly in a popup window
Popup text - You add your own text in the page of your site and when clicked upon, Calendly opens in a popup window.

You can directly connect Calendly with your Apple, Google, or Microsoft calendar so you are always kept up to date in all your scheduled oppointments on all your devices.

EverWeb 3.8 Released! Instant Preview, New UI, Contact Form Enhancements and more...

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

EverWeb 3.8 is here and comes packed with new features and enhancements to make managing your EverWeb websites so much easier.
Watch our video to see what’s new or read more below.

Refreshed User Interface for macOSThe very first thing you will notice in EverWeb 3.8 if you are using macOS 10.15 or later is the updated and refreshed user interface. We updated the icons in the main editor window and in the Preferences. 

Instant Website PreviewsIn EverWeb 3.8 we built instant website previews. That means whenever you press the Preview button in EverWeb your website changes will immediately be shown in your web browser. Even if you make changes to every page on your site, you never have to wait for your entire website to publish again.
This makes designing and updating...

[Feature Spotlight] Coming in EverWeb 3.8: Contact Form Enhanced Features

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

In EverWeb 3.8 we are making it even easier to use Contact Forms on your websites and stay in touch with your customers.
Send Contact Form Submission Emails with EverWebNo more SMTP details or dealing with technical email setup! Now in EverWeb 3.8 we have a new ‘Mail Sending’ option in the Contact Forms Advanced widget. This means we will take care of all the hard work and everything will just work. Plus, with the Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on, all of your form submissions are organized nicely in your client area for you. 

Stay in Touch With Your CustomersWith the Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on we added a way to quickly and easily send emails to anyone who has ever filled out your contact forms before.
Best of all, you can even personalize these emails with the...

[Feature Spotlight] Coming in EverWeb 3.8: New Look for macOS

Monday, July 18, 2022

We’ve got a whole bunch of new features coming in EverWeb 3.8. The first one you are definitely going to notice is the all new interface on macOS 10.15 and later.
We have redesigned the toolbar, the inspector and other areas to give EverWeb a more modern look at feel.

Check back soon, EverWeb 3.8 will be released soon!

EverWeb 3.7.1 Released - Includes Social Media Tag Improvements + More...

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

EverWeb 3.7.1 has just been released with some important fixes and enhancements.
We’ve added Social Media OG tags to blog posts, which are used when sharing your website across social media sites. Blog posts will use your Post Image as the image that appears when sharing to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and all other social media platforms. The blog title will also be used when sharing each post.
Additionally we’ve made it easier to find linked pages since you can now right click on any link, including navigation bars, to find the page that the link points to. If it is one of your pages on your site, EverWeb will select that page in your web page list.
If you have a shape that uses the new Slide Show fill option introduced in EverWeb 3.6, you can now drag and drop images directly...

EverWeb 3.7 Adds Force Download Option for PDFs, Improved Widgets and more...

Monday, April 25, 2022

Introducing EverWeb 3.7, the latest update with a lot of improvements to EverWeb’s ease of use. Specifically with Responsive Rows, Slide Shows, linking to files and more.
We’ve used this opportunity to add some highly requested features but to also improve how EverWeb works under the hood. You will notice right away that Responsive Rows are easier to work with when moving embedded objects around within them. You will see proper indicators again of where objects are going to be dropped.

New Force Download OptionsEverWeb 3.7 now includes a 'Force download’ option which is useful for PDFs or other files you want your visitors to download rather than to open and display in their web browser.

Widgets now get enhanced linking options so you have access to all of EverWeb’s...

EverWeb 3.6 Is here! Slide Shows and Enhanced Website Security

Thursday, January 13, 2022

We’ve worked really hard on EverWeb 3.6 combining the ability to easily create more modern websites and improving your website’s security with the most up to date security settings.
In EverWeb 3.6, we highlighted two important major features, along with additional improvements to speed and blogging.. 

Image Slide Shows in EverWebIn EverWeb 3.6 we have added Slide Show Fill options for all shapes. This means you can easily add slide shows to any shape with customized design and image transitions.
In addition, Responsive Rows can be set to Slide Show fill and each slide will act as it’s own tab. This means each slide can have its own text, images or widgets allowing you to highlight specific products, services or offerings.
This works great to place at the top of your...

Coming in EverWeb 3.6: Slide Shows Everywhere

Friday, December 10, 2021

All New Slide Show Fill Options for All Shapes & ObjectsIn EverWeb 3.6 we’ve added a new fill setting under Inspector->Shape Options->Fill.

Now you can easily turn any shape into a Slide Show. Simply select your shape, set the Shape to ‘Default' or ‘Rectangle'. Then from the the Fill settings drop down menu select ‘Slide Show’. You will now see a list of customization options for your slide show fill setting.

First, add the images you want using the ‘Choose' button. You can add any number of images to your slide show. Then adjust your options with either a Fade or Slide transition.
You can even adjust the transition speed and customize the behavior and appearance of the transition arrows and pagination to match your website design.
You can re-arrange the images...

Coming in EverWeb 3.6: Enhanced Website Security

Monday, November 22, 2021

Understanding how to secure your website properly can be a long and difficult task. Fortunately, we have taken the difficult part and made it extremely easy for you.
Coming in EverWeb 3.6 is Enhanced Security Settings with EverWeb Site Shield. Not only will you get HTTPS Secure URLs with the click of a button, but you can now get our enhanced security options to help protect your website, your visitors and increase your search engine rankings.
In Everweb 3.6 when you go to publish your website you can click the ‘Advanced…’ button next the ‘Use HTTPS Secure URLs’ checkbox to bring up the follow dialog. You now have options to enhance your website security with the follow options;

The top 4 website security settings include;
Prevent 3rd party sites from embeddeding...

EverWeb 3.5.1 Released with Important Enhancements & Fixes

Monday, September 27, 2021

Although this may be a .1 update, EverWeb 3.5.1 has a whole bunch of important new features & enhancements bringing some really great additions.
If you would rather watch the highlights, our video overview below will walk you through the best new additions in this release.
EverWeb 3.5.1 Feature Highlights
Update Multiple Image Settings at OnceIncluded in this release is the ability to adjust multiple settings within widgets that include an assets list. For example, any image gallery widget, the FlexBox widget, the Contact Form controls list etc… You can now select multiple rows and adjust the settings for each selected item at once. As you can see from the screenshot to the right, this image gallery has a number of images added and with one adjustment, we can adjust the...

EverWeb 3.5 Brings Website Search, Improved SEO and so much more!

Friday, July 2, 2021

After many months of hard work we are so excited to announce EverWeb 3.5. One of the biggest updates to EverWeb yet!

Native M1 SupportThis version of EverWeb brings native support for the new M1 Macs so EverWeb will work much faster for all the lucky new owners of the new ARM based Macs.
Website SearchThe number one big feature we’re introducing is website search!
Now you can easily add a search bar to your EverWeb website and let your visitors find exactly what they’re looking for in seconds. EverWeb’s website search feature gives you 3 styles of search.
Search results can be displayed in a completely new page
They can be displayed as a popup window
Or the can be displayed as a drop down menu from the search bar

Website search is completely customizable...

Website Search Coming in EverWeb 3.5

Friday, February 12, 2021

We are hard at work with EverWeb 3.5 and have some exciting new features coming.
The biggest feature we have been working on is Website Search. Now you can easily add a site wide search feature to your EverWeb website that lets your visitors easily find what they’re looking for on your site.

Easily Add Sitewide Search to Your EverWeb WebsiteThe all new search feature is extremely easy to set up. There are two widgets you can use, the main one will be the Search Field widget which provides the actual search functionality for your site.

Drag and drop the search field widget to any web page and modify it to fit your web page design. The design options are extremely flexible.
The behavior section gives you three options for displaying search results;
Drop down...

New SEO PowerUp & Automatic Search Engine Submission

Sunday, November 15, 2020

You’ve built your website, now it’s time to tell the world. Your visitors are searching for you in Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines and EverWeb 3.4 just made it so much easier for you to be found!

The All New EverWeb SEO PowerUp Add-onIn EverWeb 3.4 you now have new options to mark pages as important, neutral or less important. This tells search engines which pages should take priority and be listed ahead of others. 
For example, if you sell products, the product information page would be marked as more important while your privacy policy page might be marked as less important. This way, search engines will prioritize the more important pages in their search results.
You can also specify how often each page is updated so that search engines know when to come...

EverWeb 3.4 Released: SEO Features, Contact Form Improvements, Image File Additions and more...

Monday, October 26, 2020

EverWeb 3.4 is now available with a host of new and powerful new features to improve your website design and improve your website’s rankings in all search engines.
Automatic Search Engine OptimizationWith just the click of a button, you can now ensure your website is fully optimized for all major search engines. EverWeb takes care of all of the technical parts for you.
That’s right, just a simply checkbox is all it takes! Your website is optimized for search engines and submitted to Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.com. Plus if you’re an EverWeb + Hosting customer you’ll benefit from gZIP compression which makes your website load as much faster than ever before.
New Image Fill Options - Scale, Color Overlay & Parallax ScrollingWe’ve added new options for the image fill options....

New Calendar & Time Selection Form Fields Coming in EverWeb 3.4

Friday, September 18, 2020

We’re hard at work finishing up EverWeb 3.4 which comes with several new features for creating more modern and exciting websites. First, I want to cover the all new Contact Form controls that let you offer your visitors a full Calendar and a Time Selection popup window.
Here we have created a booking form that lets your visitors enter the number of guests, a check in date form a Calendar popup window and a check in time. Additionally, with the same form fields, they can select a check out date and time as well.

New Contact Form Calendar ControlsThe Calendar control provides a full Calendar popup window as shown below. You can modify the date formats, block out specific days and more. It is fully mobile responsive so it works great on your phones and tablets automatically.

EverWeb 3.3.1 Released!

Monday, July 27, 2020

We’ve released EverWeb 3.3.1 with a list of important bug fixes and enhancements. This version brings improved stability to EverWeb 3.3 as we worked out some of the kinks with the last release.
Most notably you’ll find copying and pasting Responsive Rows will now copy the actual contents of the Responsive Row. The Image Gallery's bottom pagination options work properly and Contact Form email messaging has been improved for some servers that have certain sending restrictions.
We’ve fixed a few possible crash dialogs that would appear while resizing the main EverWeb window.
Using Google Fonts and bold/italic styling with widgets and blog posts has been improved as well for this release.
EverWeb 3.3.1 is a highly recommended stability update for EverWeb 3.3 users. You can...

Now Available: Speed Up Your Website With EverWeb 3.3

Sunday, June 21, 2020

We’re happy to announce EverWeb 3.3 is here and there’s lots to get excited about!

Speed Improvements Everywhere! We’ve focused on improving speed both while using EverWeb and on your published website.
With just a re-publish of your website you can instantly take advantage of our all around speed improvements for your EverWeb website. A new technique to defer loading of certain webpage scripts significantly improves website speed for your visitors and improves search engine rankings.
With just a republish of your wesite, you cna take advantage of improved Google Page Speed of 50% or more.

The most drastic speed improvement will come from websites that use any Widgets, either those provided by EverWeb or third party scripts but all websites built with EverWeb...

Upcoming in EverWeb 3.3: Find everything you're looking for

Monday, June 8, 2020

In EverWeb 3.3 we’ve focused on refinements. We’ve made EverWeb easier to work with, faster, and added some highly requested new features.
Some of the improvements we’ve added for the latest 3.3 release includes; searching.
Find Anything You Need!With EverWeb 3.3 we’ve added a web page list navigator which lets you search for pages by page name and also adds back and forward navigation buttons underneath the web page list.
This means you can easily go back to the last page you were working on at the click of a button.

Tip: In EverWeb 3.2 we added a 'Follow Link’ right click menu item so you can click on your text links and go directly to the page on your site you linked to in your web page list. Combined with EverWeb 3.3’s new page search and navigation feature, finding...

Create Your Etsy Online Store With EverWeb

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Have you ever imagined creating your own product and selling it online? How about with a beatifully designed website created by you?
Now you can with EverWeb & Etsy.
Etsy is the global marketplace for unique and creative goods. It’s home to a universe of special, extraordinary items, from unique handcrafted pieces to vintage treasures.
EverWeb is the easiest way to create and publish a website online. Our walkthrough video tutorial teaches you how you can have your own Etsy store on your very own website in just minutes.

Upcoming in EverWeb 3.3: New Contact Form Styles & Features

Monday, May 11, 2020

We’re hard at work with EverWeb 3.3 and have a lot of new features to showcase. We wanted to show you one feature we’ve been working on and that is improvements to the Contact Form Widget which comes with a new Form Style called ‘Transparent’.
New Contact Form Style: TransparentThe new Contact Form Advanced form style gives you a beautiful new contact form that’s been the latest trend in web design.
You get transparent fields with just a bottom border as shown in the screenshot.
The embedded grey label effect was created by selecting each form control and hiding the label field which you can do from the Inspector->Widget Settings. Then we added the placeholder text for the ‘Name', ‘Email' and ‘How can we help?' fields.
Lastly we adjusted the font, style and color from...

Your Visitors Can Send You Files Right From Your Website

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Have you ever needed your website visitors to send you files directly from your website?
Perhaps you need to collect image files, PDF documents or anything else from your visitors.
With EverWeb, you can do this easily with the Contact Forms Advanced widget.
In this video tutorial we show you exactly how to do this step by step. In just a few minutes you can create a form on your website where your visitors can send you any type of file.
EverWeb Makes Receiving Files from Your Visitors Is So EasyIn order to get files from your visitors, simply drag and drop the 'Contact Form Advanced' widget to your web page. You will need the Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on which costs $29.95 USD/year but it gives you a whole bunch of new and time saving features for your forms.

EverWeb 3.2.3 Released

Thursday, April 16, 2020

We’ve released a quick, but important update to EverWeb 3.2. This update makes improvements to objects on your website that use animations as well as shadow effects.
Websites should now all work the same as they did in EverWeb 3.1, just with the faster optimizations we made in the Website code generation engine.
It also fixes some issues with fixed scroll positions.
You can download EverWeb 3.2.3 update from the Downloads page or by going to the EverWeb menu and selecting ‘Check for Update’.

EverWeb 3.2 is Here...Check out What's New!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

We took some of the biggest customer requests and packed them into EverWeb 3.2, the latest update to EverWeb.

Prefer to watch what’s new? Check out the above video to see an overview of what’s new in EverWeb 3.2.
Contact Form ImprovementsA customer comes to your website and wants to contact you? That’s no problem with EverWeb because it has a fully featured Contact Form builder built in. With EverWeb 3.2, we go many steps forward with some much needed improvements to the built in Contact Form.
Now with EverWeb 3.2 you can redirect users to any other page on your website after they submit your contact form. So if you want to collect payment information or just take them a new section on your website, that’s easy to do with Contact Forms in EverWeb.
We’ve also added...

EverWeb Search Engine Optimization Video Updates

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Are you looking to increase your rankings in Google, and other search engines and drive more traffic to your EverWeb website?
We have always provided a free SEO for EverWeb course which teaches you how to do this step by step. In fact, EverWeb makes it really easy to optimize your website for search engines.
Recently, we updated a number of our SEO video tutorials with some new EverWeb features and of course the updated EverWeb user interface.
We updated our Introduction to SEO which goes over what search engine optimization is so you have a good overview of what it means and what your strategy to drive more traffic from search engines will look like.
Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
Next we take a look at your web page file names which can help drive traffic...

Coming Soon: EverWeb 3.2 sends Contact Form Confirmations to Your Visitors

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

With every release we work hard on improving the Contact Form Enhanced Widget because it is such an important part of the majority of websites.
Two major features we are announcing with EverWeb 3.2 and the Contact Form are;
Confirmation emails that can be sent to your visitors
An option to auto redirect your visitors to another page after sending the Contact Form

These two features have been highly requested and we are extremely excited to offer them to all our EverWeb users. In this blog post, I want to outline how exactly these features will work.
Confirmation Emails from the Contact FormWith EverWeb 3.2 in addition to receiving the form submission to your email as the website owner, you can now send a customizable email to your visitor who filled out the form.

Maintenance Update to EverWeb 3.1

Saturday, December 28, 2019

We’ve updated EverWeb 3.1, bringing it to version 3.1.7 with some important fixes as listed below. You can upgrade easily from our Downloads page or using the Check for Update feature under the EverWeb menu.
Here’s what’s new in EverWeb 3.1.7;
Fixes problems with some third party widget that use background images. 
Significant improvements to Responsive websites on older browsers
Significant improvements to importing iWeb blog posts
Fixed Width blog post page improvements when using background colors
On Catalina you can once again drag multiple files from the Assets list at a time
Internal improvements which should improve compatibility on Catalina
Improvements to Google Fonts used in blog posts
Fixes for rollover underline settings for hyperlinks

EverWeb 3.1 Is Here! Darkmode, Faster Websites, Faster Widgets & More

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ready for the next major update to EverWeb?
If you’re a long time user of EverWeb, you know how excited we get when a new release is ready. We’ve worked really hard on EverWeb 3.1 and we are thrilled to release this new version with some amazing new features, and some really important enhancements.
We’ve improved overall useability and speed of EverWeb and we think you are going to love this new version!
EverWeb development is always advancing and this release is the beginning of some very exciting and new announcements.

DarkMode Support for Mojave, Catalina (and all future macOS releases)We’ve turned EverWeb Dark with DarkMode support on the latest versions of macOS. Now EverWeb looks great whether you prefer Light or DarkMode. Personally I love DarkMode and this...

Organize Your Images, PDFs & External Files with EverWeb's Asset Manager

Saturday, November 23, 2019

EverWeb 3.0 introduced a long list of new features and enhancements. One major new feature requested by our users for some time was the ability to organize all your website assets including; images, PDFs, videos, and any external file, into folders and sub folders.
With EverWeb 3.0, you can now do just that. The new and improved Assets List Manager gives you the ability to group all your assets into as many folders and sub folders as needed. This makes working with all your external files much easier.
Combined with the built in Asset search and sorting features you’ve had in EverWeb, managing Assets and external files has never been easier.
Our video tutorial shows you how to easy it is to organize your Assets within EverWeb.

If you haven’t already seen some of the...

DarkMode coming in EverWeb 3.1 (Plus More!)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Some BIG New Features Are Coming in EverWeb 3.1!We’ve gathered your feedback from version 3.0 and made EverWeb 3.1 even better. Starting with DarkMode!
If you’re a user of macOS Mojave or later (including Catalina), we’ve worked hard on getting EverWeb looking great in DarkMode. If you love DarkMode as much as we do, you’ll love this new update.
Here is EverWeb running in DarkMode:In addition to DarkMode, we’ve added a whole slew of new features & enhancements.
What else is coming in EverWeb 3.1?Optimized HTML & CSS CodeWe’ve optimized the code EverWeb exports so your webpages should be up to 18% smaller. All users will benefit from smaller websites that load faster for your website visitors just by re-publishing your website.
Project Loading ProgressWe’ve focused on...

Create Your Online Web Store with EverWeb

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How would you like to get a fully functional online store set up in just minutes?
With EverWeb you can sell real products or digital services such as your photography, PDFs or anything else downloadable in a fully featured web store without any technical set up.
With the release of EverWeb 3.0, we made EverWeb’s e-commerce features even more powerful with new features and design options.
Although EverWeb has a number of e-commerce solutions, by the far the easiest to add to your website is the PayPal E-commerce Widget. Your customers do not even need a PayPal account to buy from you.
Our video tutorial walks you through the steps of creating an online store with a huge number of customizable options including;
Automatic shopping carts and checkout pages

The All New Contact Forms: File Uploads, Form Submission Management and Exporting

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Last month we released EverWeb 3.0, the biggest update to EverWeb since responsive website design was added in version 2.8.
The biggest new feature in version 3.0 is the all new Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on. We’ve added so many new features to the Contact Forms that all EverWeb users now have an all-in-one solution to gathering and managing feedback from their webiste visitors. 
Our video overview shows how to use the all new Contact Forms Enhanced features which include;
File uploads so your visitors can send you PDFs, images and anything else
Sorting, searching and managing your form submissions from your client area
Export your contact form submissions as CSV or Excel files
All new SPAM protection features
New form controls for better control in what your...

EverWeb 3.0 Released With Advanced Contact Forms, Asset Organization, Improved Blogging and so much more!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

EverWeb 3.0 just might be the biggest update yet, even bigger than EverWeb 2.8 which introduced easy Responsive Website Design.
You can jump right to the Downloads Page to download and install the update. This update is free for users with an active EverWeb Standalone account and all EverWeb + Hosting customers.
To update, just drag your old version to the trash and download this new version from our website.

Contact Form: Accept File Uploads, SPAM Protection & New Styling OptionsEverWeb 3.0 has a significantly enhanced Contact Forms with a number of major new features. Some of these new features require the all new Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on.
You can now accept file uploads on your forms
You can sort, search and manage all form submissions from your client...

LIMITED TIME!! HUGE EverWeb 3.0 Discount for Contact Forms Enhanced

Thursday, August 22, 2019

We’re so excited about the all new Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on, that gives you signficantly more features and customization options in EverWeb 3.0, that we wanted to provide all our amazing EverWeb users with a HUGE 50% discount for life! But this discount will only be available while EverWeb 3.0 is in Public Beta.

With the all new Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on in EverWeb 3.0 you can now;
Accept file uploads from your visitors so they can send you images, PDFs or absolutely anything else from your website
You can manage all forms submissions directly from your client area
Sort and search all form submissions
Export form submissions to CSV files or manage them in Excel, Google Docs, or Numbers.app
Never miss a form submission and organize them in one central...

EverWeb 3.0 Feature Spotlight: Enhanced Contact Forms with File Uploads

Friday, August 9, 2019

Have you ever wanted to collect image files, PDF documents or any other kind of file from your website visitors?
If so, we’ve got great news! The biggest new feature in EverWeb 3.0 is Contact Forms Enhanced, a new add-on that lets you supercharge your Contact Forms with;
File uploads that let visitors send you files directly from your website
A backend administration section showing all contact form submissions
Export contact form submissions as CSV or Excel files
Search and sort contact form submissions
And much more!

In addition to these awesome new features, Contact Forms get a whole bunch of new styling options which gives you a lot more control over how your Contact Forms look and integrate with your website design. We’ve also added new form controls...

EverWeb 3.0 Feature Spotlight: Blog Hero Images & Pagination

Sunday, June 30, 2019

If you check out our new Blog Posts page you will see a couple new enhancements to EverWeb’s blogging platform which makes designing and managing your blog much more flexible.
The first new feature is cover images, also known as hero images, for the blog posts. This takes the ‘Post Cover Image’ you have set for each blog posts and displays them as a responsive, full width image on top of each blog post. Giving you a nicer and more modern blog index page for both desktop and mobile devices.

As shown in the image below, the new ‘Image Cover’ option for the Blog Archive will span your Post Cover Images to the full width of the Blog Archive widget. As you resize your browser window, the image adapts to the width diplaying beautifully on desktop and mobile devices.
Blog Index...

Coming in EverWeb 3.0: Spam Protection for Contact Forms

Sunday, June 9, 2019

EverWeb 3.0 is th next major update to EverWeb and we couldn’t be more excited!
With so many new features, enhancements and fixes upcoming in the next release, we wanted to focus on a few to get you ready for the next major update. Our last post focused on the all new Asset Organization features, and this post will focus on just one of the many new Contact Form improvements.
Adding a contact form to your website may open you up to unsolicited form submissions, or automatic bots sending you messages you don’t want to receive. Coming in EverWeb 3.0 is SPAM protection using Google’s reCaptcha features. Google reCaptcha is an easy to use integration that you can add to your EverWeb contact forms to make sure you never receive spam originating from your website.
Enabling Google’s...

Coming Soon in EverWeb 3.0: Asset Organization

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

As you use EverWeb, your website is constantly growing as you add new content. EverWeb has always provided an Asset List that has all your images, external files, PDF’s and anything else you have added to your website for easy access and management.
As you add new content to your website, that list of assets will continuously grow. Even though EverWeb currently has searching and sorting options, it can start to get difficult to find the image, or file, you  are looking for in the Assets List.
New in the upcoming EverWeb 3.0 release is advanced Asset organization meaning you can now sort and categorize images into folders and sub folders.
Combined with the advanced sorting features already included in EverWeb, Asset management is about to get a whole lot easier.


Three Quick Search Engine Optimization Tricks You Can Do to Your EverWeb Website

Monday, May 6, 2019

You’re website is online, but who is able to find it out of the billions of other websites out there.
In this blog post I want to go over three modifications you can make to your EverWeb website to help improve its search engine rankings. 
Search Engines want to show the best results for their users who are searching for something. So, how can we make sure that your website is considered the BEST result for a user’s search query? 
Here are 3 quick changes you can make it less than 30 minutes total to;
Target the visitors you want coming to your website
Build trust with search engines and your visitors
Help your visitors share and spread the word about your website

Target the Visitors You Want Coming To Your WebsiteOne of the best ways to improve your search...

Hundreds of New, Professionally Designed Templates for EverWeb

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Are you looking for a website refresh?
Every month we release at least a dozen new, professional, and free, EverWeb templates for our users.
You can always check for new EverWeb templates by following these easy;
Launch EverWeb
Go to the EverWeb menu and select ‘Check for New Templates'
EverWeb will download any new templates
When you click the ‘Add Page’ button in EverWeb you can see the new templates

We have templates for everyone, including professional services like Attorneys, Doctors, Fitness Professionals, Photographers and even hobbiests, artists, religious institutions and more.
Best of  all, any one of our templates can be used for any type of website because they are 100% fully customizable. So as long as you like the design of the template,...

Show or Hide Webpage Elements on Mobile, Tablets or Desktop Computers with EverWeb 2.9

Friday, March 22, 2019

One of the highlights of EverWeb 2.9 is the ability to show and hide images, videos, text, or anything else on your website depending on the device your visitors are viewing your website on.
For example, if someone visits your website on their mobile device they can see one image, but on a desktop computer they can see a large, more detailed image.
This means that with EverWeb 2.9 you can “turn off” or “turn on” elements depending on the device your visitors are using.
This makes creating Responsive Websites more flexible and easier, giving you further customization options for Responsive EverWeb websites.
On our website, we use this feature to show and hide the Download button in the navigation menu depending on the device the visitor is usiing. When we have more space...

EverWeb 2.9.1 Maintenance Release

Saturday, February 23, 2019

We’ve posted a quick fix to EverWeb 2.9 with a few important changes. 
Blogging issues where the blog post would not get updated in the EverWeb Design Canvas when selecting a post has been fixed. 
We’ve also fixed the caption for the Responsive Image Gallery not using the selected font.
Lastly we’ve optimized a bunch of features in EverWeb for improved performance.

This update can be downloaded from the EverWeb Download Page.

EverWeb 2.9 Released With Enhanced Responsive Website Design

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Fresh off the release of EverWeb 2.8, we’re introducing EverWeb 2.9 with some major, and exciting, new features to help you create awesome Responsive Websites, with absolutely no coding or technical skills.

Maximum Width Setting for Full Width ObjectsFirst up, we have a new Maximum Width setting for Full Width objects. Now you can make sure that text, images or any objects don’t stretch too much for large screens.
This works great for TextBoxes and Blogs to prevent them from continuing to stretch to the full width of a page, even on large desktop monitors while making sure they look great on mobile, tablets and any other device.

Show or Hide Objects on Different DevicesWe’ve added the ability to show or hide objects based on the type of device your visitor is viewing...

Blog Drafts and Automatically Setting Publishing Dates

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

We get so caught up in the new Responsive Features in EverWeb 2.8 we sometimes forget about the other, great new features in the latest release.
This includes the additions to EverWeb’s blogging engine.
Not only did we update it to be responsive, we also added two cool new features which are;
Blog drafts that let you work on a blog post that won’t get published until you are ready
And a ‘Use Publish Date’ option which automatically sets the blog publish date to the date you publish your website

These features work really together, allowing you to create future blog posts and publish them when you are ready.
Imagine sitting down for a few hours, writing out all your months blog posts, and just clicking the Publish Site button when you are ready to have them published...

Search Engines And Responsive Websites in EverWeb 2.8

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

If you have a website, you are almost certainly looking for new website visitors. And the best place to get them are from search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.
Search Engines use a lot of factors when ranking websites for their visitors. The most important one of course is that your web page has the relevant content their visitors are looking for which is why you need to have good text content that search engines can use to index and display your website to searchers.
Two other very important factors in getting higher search engine rankings are;
A mobile page to be displayed to users searching on mobile browsers
The speed in which your website will load in your visitor’s browser

EverWeb takes care of both of these things for you!
Use EverWeb’s new Responsive...

The New Responsive Row Widget in EverWeb 2.8

Saturday, December 15, 2018

EverWeb 2.8 comes with a lot of new features.
The most anticipated of course is Responsive Websites. It has never been so easy to create unlimited Responsive Websites with absolutely no coding.
Of course, Responsive Websites are a little different than regular, Fixed Width websites. Fortunately, we have taken all the hard work out of building Responsive Websites for you.
A responsive website adjusts its content - Text, Images, Shapes and Widgets - to fit within the browser width.
But how can a website know how to adjust the elements on your website as you resize the browser, or view it on smaller, mobile device?
That’s the most important question!
As you add any content to your Responsive Website, you’ll notice how they get added as full width and stacked vertically,...

The FlexBox Widget and How to Create Awesome Responsive Page Layouts

Sunday, December 9, 2018

No doubt you want to take advantage of the all new Responsive Design Layout in EverWeb 2.8 to make awesome websites that work anywhere including mobile, tablets and desktop computers.
EverWeb is the quickest and easiest way to drag and drop your way to a Responsive Website without any coding experience or “techie” skills.
Today, I want to highlight one of the powerful new Widgets called FlexBox.
FlexBox is a way to add text, images and video to your Responsive website and watching each item respond, or adapt, to the width of your web browser.
You can make text, images and video larger on big screens like desktops, and smaller on small screens like mobile phones.
Using the FlexBox Responsive WidgetThe FlexBox widget can be found under your Widgets tab in EverWeb. Just...

EverWeb 2.8.3 Maintenance Update

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

After some great feedback on EverWeb 2.8, we found some issues we wanted to fix quickly for our users. 
EverWeb 2.8.3 is a maintenance update with a a few important changes and fixes.

[IMP] Improved Website Previewing. EverWeb won’t preview an entire website after restarting your computer
[FIX] Fixed FlexBox Widget Alignment issue
[FIX] Fixed blog pages not exporting correctly on Fixed Width Layouts
[FIX] Fixed some upgrading issues when using the Check For Update menu in EverWeb
[FIX] Fixes some issues with newer Google Fonts
[FIX] Fixed Blog Post Drafts incorrectly being exported in the navigation links at the bottom of blog posts
[FIX] Pasting text from a web browser into the Styled Text Field for all widgets work properly now

You can update...

Announcing EverWeb 2.8 With Easy Responsive Websites

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Ready For Responsive Websites with EverWeb?Over the last while we have been focused on our all new Responsive Layout Design Mode in EverWeb and are very happy to announce the first vesion of it today!
EverWeb 2.8, the biggest update since blogging was announced in version 2.0, is now available with so many new features and improvements we don’t think we can cover everything in just one blog post.
This video tutorial will glance over some of the new features.

Responsive Website Design in EverWeb 2.8New in EverWeb is the Responsive Page Layout Mode along with over 10 free Responsive Website Templates, New Responsive Widgets and Updates to existing Widgets to work with Responsive Pages.
Responsive webpages let you build one website that works on Desktop, Tablets, and...

EverWeb's New Responsive Page Layout

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Are you ready for the easiest and fastest way to create Responsive websites without any coding or “techie” skills?
For years we have been working on the perfect Responsive website building tool and we’re finally coming close to an official release!
Now you’ll have the familiar, easy to use web site building tool you’re used to with the all new Responsive Page Layout mode.
Since Responsive Websites work a little different than regular, fixed width websites we wanted to prep you with a few basics on what a responsive website is and how you will build one in EverWeb.
What is a Responsive WebsiteA responsive website is one that resizes and repositions the text, images and shapes on your website depending on the size of your visitor’s web browser.
That means that on their...

EverWeb & Mojave macOS 10.14 Compatibility

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Apple recently released the new Mojave OS ( macOS 10.14) and we’re happy to report that EverWeb works very nicely with this new update.
There is one minor issue with version 2.7.1 and earlier that will show the EverWeb Icon with a black background in the Projects window and in some dialogs. This does not affect your websites, or your use of EverWeb in any way.
We. have already fixed this issue for the EverWeb 2.8 beta version, which also brings Responsive Website building among the huge list of other improvements.
We will be working on support for Dark Mode after EverWeb 2.8 is released. It takes some time to update and test the entire user interface of EverWeb for the new dark mode features in macOS Mojave.
Stay tuned, we’ll have an official release coming out soon and...

Have You Seen EverWeb's Newest Templates?

Friday, June 8, 2018

Every month we add about a dozen professionally designed, and FREE, templates for you to use in EverWeb. Sometimes we add them so quickly we don’t even have time to update the Templates Page on our website!
While other website builders might charge you for templates,  all these templates are 100% free for you to use and you can access them by;
Launching EverWeb
Going to the EverWeb menu in the top left corner of your screen
Select ‘Check for New Templates'

EverWeb will then download and install any new templates we have added on our website. Some templates take advantage of newer EverWeb features such as Animations, Scroll Positions, Responsive Navigation menus and more. EverWeb will only download the templates that are compatible with your version of EverWeb.

Adobe Muse Replacement - An Easy Switch to EverWeb

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Adobe recently announced that their visual website builder, Adobe Muse, will be discontinued. They will no longer be providing updates and soon support will stop. 
Just like when Apple discontinued iWeb, we are here for you Adobe Muse users!
EverWeb is the perfect replacement for Adobe Muse since you get many of the same features (and a few more!). You get a similar interface, no need for any coding or technical knowledge, one-click publish and a thriving third party market of add-ons and professional website templates.
Watch our video tutorial to see how you can easily switch from Adobe Muse to EverWeb.

Some Adobe Muse Features You Will Find in EverWeb Completely drag and drop, no coding needed to build your website.
Hundreds of free, professionally designed templates...

Get Your HTTPS Website Before Google Implements Their Warning

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

On July 1 (Canada Day!), Google will be implementing a new security measure for all users of the Chrome browser.
If you don’t have an HTTPS url, which is a standard website encryption feature that protects your website visitors, they will start showing warnings in both search results and when a visitor visits your website.
When someone visits your website after July 1, 2018 they will see this warning in their path bar at the top of their web browser.

Fortunately, at EverWeb, we’ve got you fully covered!
What is HTTPS?When someone visits your website they will usually visit with the URL http://www.yourdomain.com. This is an insecure URL as all data passed from your visitors’ browser to the web server is not encrypted and can be seen by someone who is monitoring internet...

EverWeb 2.7.1 Maintenance Release Adds Important Fixes

Thursday, April 12, 2018

We just posted EverWeb 2.7.1 which fixes a few minor issues including;
Master pages wouldn’t preview properly
An error message when launch EverWeb from your downloads folder and adding the blank template
Minor improvements to publishing with FTP

This version is important for any user that uses Master Page since images wouldn’t properly preview with version 2.7. 
As we release version 2.7.1 we are already working diligently on version 2.8. We have some HUGE new features and enhancements coming with version 2.8. We’re super excited about the upcoming release. 
Check back here soon for some sneak peek at once coming! If you follow the EverWeb Facebook Page, we post many new video tutorials each week with insider tips and upcoming features.

EverWeb 2.7 Feature Spotlight: Free Stock Photos for Your Website

Sunday, April 1, 2018

With the release of EverWeb 2.7 we announced a lot of exciting new features including responsive navigation menus, new contact form controls and customizations, lots of new (and free!) professional website templates and, of course, FREE access to over 500,000 stock photos that you can use on your EverWeb website.
Now, right from within EverWeb, you can search for any kind of photo. Just go to the Window menu in EverWeb and select ‘Stock Photos’. The following window will appear allowing you to search for absolutely anything. You’ll be surprised what you can find!
From the Stock Photo Search Window you can drag and drop stock photos to any website page, a blog post, or your Assets List to use later.
Remember, the Stock Photos can be used royalty free on your websites built...

500,000+ Free Stock Photos, Responsive Navigation Menu, New Templates, plus more in EverWeb 2.7

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

We’ve been working really hard on EverWeb 2.7 and took the first step in providing automatic responsive websites!
Now with EverWeb 2.7 you can click a simple checkbox to automatically make your navigation bar responsive and adapt to the size of the web browser. This means one navigation bar can be used for desktop, tablet and mobile devices. Automatically converting itself from a regular navigation bar to a “hamburger" navigation menu.

We’ve also included over 500,000 royalty free stock photos that you can simply drag and drop to any EverWeb designed website. To access the new stock photos just go to the Window menu and select ‘Stock Photos’, then search for any type of photo you need!

Our designers have been working over time to deliver over 20 new professionally...

EverWeb 2.6 comes with Lightning Fast FTP, FTP over SSH, Scroll Positions and more

Thursday, November 30, 2017

The wait is over! Publish your websites up to 30x times faster than ever before with EverWeb 2.6!
We’ve added a host of new features but the highlights include;
Lightning fast website uploading. EverWeb + Hosting customers will enjoy speeds up to 30x times faster than before while standalone users using third party web hosts will see an instant boost in uploading speeds at least 5x faster than before
FTP over SSH is here making EverWeb compatible with virtually all web hosting providers. At the click of a button publish your website to a third party host using FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS or FTP over SSH
Scroll Positions let you link to specific parts of a page as well as provide a beautiful smooth scrolling affect to different parts of the same page
Included with EverWeb...

Keep Your Website, Email, Personal Data & Visitors Secure

Monday, November 20, 2017

Every few months another major website is hacked and personal information is leaked. Today, we have our whole life on the internet including passwords, bank accounts and lots of personal information. I’d like to outline some best practices for securing your EverWeb website, email, personal data and your visitors. 
These tips are helpful for anyone running a website and will bring extra benefits like reduced spam and reduced risk of losing your data. Most of the suggestions are linked together and should be part of your overall protection strategy.
Protect Your Website & VisitorsThere are three important things you should do to protect your website, the personal information attached to your website and your website visitors.
1. ID Protection for your domainWhen you register...

How EverWeb Makes Your Website Faster...

Saturday, November 4, 2017

It might be easy to look at EverWeb and think all we're doing is exporting what you see on your screen to HTML and CSS code. But, under the hood, we are doing A LOT more. In fact, for the past 5 years we have been actively improving our WebCode Conversion Engine™ which takes your design and makes it into an actual website.
The WebCode Conversion Engine™ first came to light with our WebCrusher website optimizer software that we used to sell to optimize and speedup any website. Now, we have incorporated the techniques into a more powerful, more sophisticated web code generator.
The WebCode Conversion Engine™ That Makes Your Website FAST!When we released the first betas of EverWeb, about 4 years ago (WOW!), we included some important features to make your website load fast! In...

EverWeb 2.5 brings 64Bit, Enhanced Preview Features and lots more

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

With EverWeb 2.5, we’ve put in a lot of new features that have been in development for a very long time.
First and foremost, we have moved to 64-bit which means EverWeb can now handle much larger websites and should function faster than before. 64bit is the future and with EverWeb 2.5, you are now ready for all future versions of macOS.
Next up, we’ve significantly improved the preview feature which gives you a better indication of how your website will look before publishing because it uses our custom built, preview server. More enhancements are coming with this feature in future versions.
The RSS Feed has received some enhancements which makes loading RSS feeds faster with local caching on your server. This significantly improves efficiency and load time of your website...

EverWeb 2.4 Brings SSL, SEO Improvements and more...

Friday, July 28, 2017

This year big changes are coming to the web to help protect you and your visitors. A big push to protect your privacy while browsing the web and increase security is big fully implemented in 2017.
It is essentially a requirement now to have an HTTPS secure website. With other web building tools it can be a hassle to follow all of Google’s recommendations to secure your website.
With EverWeb 2.4, secure websites are as easy as just a checkbox!
That’s right! We’ve taken all the difficult steps out of securing your website, increasing your search engine rankings and protecting the privacy of both you and your web site visitors.
If you are an EverWeb + Hosting customer you can secure your website with these easy steps;
Download EverWeb 2.4 (It is free for all EverWeb +...

Protect Your Website and Increase your Search Engine Rankings With HTTPS Secure URLs

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Over the last few years Google and other search engines have been giving a rankings boost to website using HTTPS instead of just plain HTTP. Websites that use HTTPS have the secure lock in their web browser’s path bar.
HTTPS means that all data sent from your visitors computer to your website is encrypted. It makes sure that your website is safe for your visitors and increases its credibility. That is why Google and other search engines will place an HTTPS website higher in their rankings.
Switching from HTTP to HTTPS can sometimes be a difficult process.
With EverWeb 2.4 we will be introducing automatic HTTPS secure websites and we take care of all the transitional steps for you. Just one check box gives you an HTTPS website that is highly optimized for search engines and...

EverWeb 2.3 Adds New Optimization Features for Faster Websites

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

EverWeb 2.3 is here and we’ve worked hard to include some internal optimizations to EverWeb’s generated HTML and CSS code. This means your websites will load faster for your visitors, upload faster and in general, operate much more efficiently.
We’ve also included an important fix for a ‘dropped connection’ error when uploading websites to FTP or to your EverWeb account.
With EverWeb 2.3 we have already seen dramatic speed improvements in our own website and we hope that all users can benefit from these optimizations as well.
Upgrading to EverWeb 2.3 is the same as always. You can go to the Download Page or use the ‘Check for Update’ features under the EverWeb menu.
Remember if you are a EverWeb Standalone user to check under EverWeb->Preferences window to see if your...

EverWeb 2.2 Released with AnimationEngine: Add Awesome Animations to your EverWeb website

Friday, April 7, 2017

We’re pleased to announce the all new release of EverWeb 2.2, complete with AnimationEngine. Although we have included a lot more in this release, AnimationEngine is definitely the biggest new feature.
You can download EverWeb 2.2 from the downloads page. Remember for EverWeb Standalone users you must have an active upgrade/support account to upgrade to the latest version. You can always check your plan from the EverWeb menu->Preferences or by logging into your client area.
With AnimationEngine you can add dozens of awesome effects to text, images, shapes and any widget giving you the ability to add that extra flair to your website. This video tutorial shows you exactly what you can do with the AnimationEngine, but don’t forget to scroll down a bit more to read what else is...

Check it out! Animation Engine Coming to the Next Release of EverWeb

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

We’ve been working exceptionally hard on the next gigantic release of EverWeb.
We’ve included a lot of cool new features but the one thing we’re most proud of is the new Animation Engine included in the next release.
What does this mean?
Well, now you can easily add awesome looking animations to your EverWeb website at the click of a button. What’s more you can check out these animations live on our website today or check out the video below to see just some of the effects you can add to your website.

The next release of EverWeb is coming soon. Check back here for our announcement and more details on what else is coming in the next release of EverWeb.

EverWeb 2.1.1 Comes with Improved Stability and Some New Features

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

EverWeb 2.1.1 is here and it comes with a few new features and enhancements.
The Audio widget includes new auto play and looping settings
Fixed issues with the contact form not sending to the correct email address
Fixed an error message for some users when publishing a website
Image Slider now shows the correct image name when an image name is changed from the Assets list
The constrain proportions option works correctly in the Inspector when using the arrow buttons to adjust the height/width of an image

How to Get The UpdateRemember that any EverWeb Standalone users get 1 year of free updates and support with their purchase. You can check your free upgrade and support plan expires from your client area or from the EverWeb menu->Preferences. Active EverWeb +...

EverWeb 2.1 Now Available with New Contact Form Features & more...

Monday, January 23, 2017

We’ve worked very hard on EverWeb 2.1 which brings some great new features and ehancements to the blogging platform, contact form, RSS widget and more.
We completely re-wrote the Advanced Contact Form to allow for your own custom SMTP details making the contact form more reliable for servers that don’t support sending email without these details. We’ve fixed important bugs and added some minor enhancements to make the contact form more powerful. A new Advanced Contact Video tutorial is also available.
The RSS Widget has also been completely re-written to work with our own RSS platform after Google discontinued their RSS API. This is an essential update if you use the RSS Widget on your website.
We added two really convenient features that will help while designing your website;

Import Your iWeb Blog Posts to EverWeb

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

You’ve heard it many times before, iWeb is no longer being developed by Apple and slowly but surely, is not working properly on the latest releases of macOS.
Don’t worry though, we’ve got your back!
We worked really hard on an iWeb blog post importer so you can now instantly import all of your blog posts from your iWeb site and import them right into EverWeb’s blog.
See our Video tutorial: Import your iWeb Blog Posts to EverWeb
WordPress users, we’ve got you covered also! Import your WordPress Blog Posts as well.
Aside from the above, the top 3 biggest benefits we worked into EverWeb for iWeb users (and anyone else who wants to create a website) are;
Master Pages so you can instantly update your entire design from one single page
Optimized mobile pages for your...

EverWeb Raises $2500 For Charity this Black Friday

Sunday, November 27, 2016

We wanted to extend a big Thank You to everyone who purchased or renewed EverWeb this Black Friday!
Because of you, we raised $2500 that has been donated to WE.org.
We hope to continue to use our reach to raise money and resources for those who don’t have the same opportunities that we have.
We believe it is everyone’s personal choice to decide how they want to help and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for helping us raise money for a great cause and also for being our customers.
So once again, a HUGE Thank You to all of our users!
The EverWeb Team

Black Friday: We're Doing Something Special With EverWeb

Thursday, November 24, 2016

In a handful of countries, today is Thanksgiving. A day originally used for celebrating and giving thanks for the benefits of the preceding year.
On Friday, consumers are used to plenty of discounts off their favorite products.
This year, we have decided to do something special.
We know EverWeb users are the generous type and this year we want to use our reach to give opportunities to those who really need it.
Today, we want to say Thanks for Giving!
Starting now, until 11:59PM EST Friday, 40% of every EverWeb purchase and renewal, will be given to children around the world who need it the most with the help of WE.org (Formally Free the Children)
Purchase & Give: Get EverWeb & Help the Children
We chose Free The Children because they are an organization we have...

Convert Your iWeb Website to an EverWeb Site

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

With the all new blogging feature we introduced last week, we have gotten a lot of requests for help in upgrading an iWeb website to EverWeb.
Since iWeb was discontinued almost 5 years ago, EverWeb was created to provide a similar, yet more powerful website builder to iWeb users. Now with the new blogging engine, you can do everything in EverWeb, plus a lot more.
We have just introduced a service to help you convert your iWeb site to an EverWeb site. We can deliver you the exact same iWeb site, built with EverWeb in under 7 days so you can start taking advantage of EverWeb’s modern features including;
Optimized mobile pages
Built in Search Engine Optimization features
Drop down menus
Advanced contact forms
Rollover mouse effects
Master Pages
Popup windows 

EverWeb 2.0.2 released with Important Bug Fixes

Friday, November 18, 2016

The great feedback we’ve received from EverWeb 2.0 has been overwhelmingly positive. We are so happy to hear our customers are loving the new version with blogging.
We’ve worked hard to fix a few bugs that slipped through the 2.0 release with the new 2.0.2 update. These fixes include issues with adding master pages, the blog archive pages and a few other minor improvements.
You can use the Check For Update feature under the EverWeb menu or visit the EverWeb download page to download the latest 2.0.2 update.
Thank you again for all the great feedback, and get ready for some great new features upcoming in the next major EverWeb release.

Introducing Blogging (and more) with EverWeb 2.0

Saturday, November 12, 2016

We’re extremely excited to introduce EverWeb 2.0, complete with our powerful and easy to use blogging platform. 
It’s never been this easy to set up blogging, plus you can even import you blog posts from your iWeb or WordPress website.
So what’s exactly is new in EverWeb 2.0?
Easy to use blogging engine
Advanced, fully customizable Contact Forms
Character spacing (Mac OS X 10.7+)
Modern new interface
Improved support for macOS Sierra
Faster publishing 
Fixes to PayPal eCommerce stores
All new PDF User Manual (under EverWeb’s Help menu)
Lots of updated and new Video Tutorials to get you started on the new features
A lot of bug fixes and other improvements

EverWeb 2.0 is of course free for anyone with an active support & upgrade plan or an...

EverWeb 2.0 Preview: Advanced Contact Forms

Saturday, October 29, 2016

With EverWeb 2.0 we’ve introduced advanced contact forms.
This means you can create fully customizable contact forms with any number of fields for your visitors to fill out. Of course, no coding is required.
The advanced contact form features everything from the older contact form plus;
Support for checkboxes, radio buttons, drop down menus, number only fields and more..
Required fields
Custom subject lines when you receive the form submission
Default values for some form options

Check out this video tutorial to see what is coming in the new Contact Forms Advanced widget coming soon in EverWeb 2.0!

Hello World...

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Say hello to EverWeb’s newest blogging engine!
EverWeb 2.0 features the easiest way for anybody to start blogging. In fact EverWeb’s new blogging features include;
Automatic lists (such as this one!)
Image wrapping
Justified text
Comments using disqus.com or facebook.com
Importing iWeb & WordPress blog posts
Embedded media including video
Automatic Google Fonts
Automatic RSS feed creation
And much more!

Plus, we have a few more awesome features in EverWeb 2.0. 
Take a look at the screenshot on the right! Did you notice anything new? You may notice a redesigned user interface. But look a little closer!
We added a new ‘Contact Form Advanced’ widget. This widget lets you add completely customizable forms to your website with any number of fields...