Coming Soon in EverWeb 4.0: Global Styles & Colors
Wednesday, July 26, 2023 10:57 AM
We're working hard on EverWeb 4.0 which will come with some amazing new features and enhancements. One new feature that we're very excited about is Global Styles & Colors.
This means you can now define a list of font styles and colors and use them throughout your website. Then you can quickly change or update them and these new style changes will be applied to your entire site.
You can create any amount of styles you like and use them within text boxes, blogs and widgets. Plus, while using Global Styles your website code is more optimized for faster loading pages.
EverWeb Global Styles Editor
Open the Global Style Editor to manage, edit and create new global styles, colors, default styling and more. Any changes you make to your global styles will be reflected on all your web pages that you have used them on.
This makes it extremely easy to update your website's design from one location all at once.
Global styles come with the added benefit of being able to define backup fonts so if a selected font is not available on your visitor's computer, it will be substituted for on of your backup fonts.
Use Your Global Fonts & Colors Everywhere
You can use your global fonts and colors anywhere on your website. Then when you need to update your styling, anywhere you have used your global styles will be updated instantly. From EverWeb's inspector you can access your styles, and override them with custom settings if needed.
For example, if you want to use a predefined style but adjust the font size for one block of text, you can easily do that.
Global Colors & Recent Colors
New in EverWeb 4.0 are global colors that can be used all over your website. EverWeb will also now remember your recently used colors so you can easily access them again.
Any place where a color can be selected, you can access your globally defined colors. Just like global fonts, if you change your global colors, anywhere you have used these colors will be updated on your website.