500,000+ Free Stock Photos, Responsive Navigation Menu, New Templates, plus more in EverWeb 2.7
Tuesday, March 6, 2018 12:22 PM
We’ve been working really hard on EverWeb 2.7 and took the first step in providing automatic responsive websites!
Now with EverWeb 2.7 you can click a simple checkbox to automatically make your navigation bar responsive and adapt to the size of the web browser. This means one navigation bar can be used for desktop, tablet and mobile devices. Automatically converting itself from a regular navigation bar to a “hamburger" navigation menu.
We’ve also included over 500,000 royalty free stock photos that you can simply drag and drop to any EverWeb designed website. To access the new stock photos just go to the Window menu and select ‘Stock Photos’, then search for any type of photo you need!
Our designers have been working over time to deliver over 20 new professionally designed templates for version 2.7 taking advantage of all the new features including new customized contact form options, animation effects and scroll positions. Go to the EverWeb menu in the top left and select ‘Check for New Templates’ to automatically download all of the new templates.
What else is new in version 2.7? Lots!! Here is a full list of the changes you can find in version 2.7.
[NEW] Responsive navigation bar, automatically updates to your visitors’ device or screen
[NEW] Over 500,000 free stock photos to use on your website (Window menu->Stock Photos)
[NEW] Contact form controls including; Section headers, field descriptions, more font customizations
[NEW] New custom button option for Contact Forms
[NEW] You can now select None for the Fav icons to remove one
[NEW] Shadow colors can now be defined in the Font Panel
[FIX] Closing a project while publishing would crash
[FIX] FTP Passwords are saved properly now
[FIX] Improved drawing quality of some images
[FIX] Linking to files within a blog post works properly now
[FIX] Publishing changes after renaming a folder publishes your website properly again
[FIX] Using 301 redirects with HTTPS websites works properly now
[FIX] Scroll positions work with directory pages now
[FIX] Tool tips and object positions are displayed again for 64Bit version of EverWeb
[FIX] Fixed exporting CSS issues when using a background image for shapes
[FIX] Fixed issue with widgets that use media files
[FIX] Fixed a crash on launch if a corrupted font was installed on your computer
[FIX] More responsive typing in the blog editor
[FIX] Fixed issue with incorrectly entered FTP details
[FIX] Fixed a crash when selecting a date for a blog post
[FIX] Fixed issues with some third party, older templates so they work properly
[FIX] Fixed issue with linking external files in blog posts
[FIX] Fixed contact form with & in a textbox or as a field name
[FIX] Fixed potential crash with Live Photos
Remember for EverWeb + Hosting users this update is, as always, 100%, completely free. For EverWeb Standalone users with an active account, this update is free as well. You can check the status of your account from the Preferences.