The New Responsive Row Widget in EverWeb 2.8
Saturday, December 15, 2018 1:30 PM
EverWeb 2.8 comes with a lot of new features.
The most anticipated of course is Responsive Websites. It has never been so easy to create unlimited Responsive Websites with absolutely no coding.
Of course, Responsive Websites are a little different than regular, Fixed Width websites. Fortunately, we have taken all the hard work out of building Responsive Websites for you.
A responsive website adjusts its content - Text, Images, Shapes and Widgets - to fit within the browser width.
But how can a website know how to adjust the elements on your website as you resize the browser, or view it on smaller, mobile device?
That’s the most important question!
As you add any content to your Responsive Website, you’ll notice how they get added as full width and stacked vertically, one after the the other.
But what if you want a number of elements to appear horizontally on large screens, and vertically when on a smaller, mobile device?
Responsive Row Widget To The Rescue!
EverWeb 2.8 has the new Responsive Row widget which will group together elements - text, images, shapes or widgets - and display them horizontally if the browser width allows, or vertically, if the browser width is small.
To use the Responsive Row widget do the following;
- Click the ‘Widgets’ tab in the top right corner of EverWeb
- Drag the Responsive Row Widget to your Responsive Page
- You can now drag and drop other textboxes, shapes, widgets or images into the Responsive Row
- As you add more objects to the Responsive Row, notice how the objects wrap to the next row automatically if they can’t fit within the page width
We’ve created a video tutorial for you to show you exactly how the Responsive Row Widget works.
We hope you love this new update to EverWeb as much as we do. We look forward to seeing the awesome things you create with EverWeb. Remember, our support team is here 24/7 to help you. We have hundreds of free, professionally designed templates and hundreds of hours of free video tutorials to help you make the best website possible.