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Coming in EverWeb 3.6: Slide Shows Everywhere

Friday, December 10, 2021 6:04 PM

All New Slide Show Fill Options for All Shapes & Objects

In EverWeb 3.6 we’ve added a new fill setting under Inspector->Shape Options->Fill.

Now you can easily turn any shape into a Slide Show. Simply select your shape, set the Shape to ‘Default' or ‘Rectangle'. Then from the the Fill settings drop down menu select ‘Slide Show’. You will now see a list of customization options for your slide show fill setting.

EverWeb Image Slide Show Inspector

First, add the images you want using the ‘Choose' button. You can add any number of images to your slide show. Then adjust your options with either a Fade or Slide transition.

You can even adjust the transition speed and customize the behavior and appearance of the transition arrows and pagination to match your website design.

You can re-arrange the images by dragging and droping them in the Image list.

Slide Shows As Hero Images

You can place your slide show at the top of your webpage for a nice Hero Image Style. With automatic transitions, you can show multiple slides easily. This can be used to highlight new products or services, upcoming events, or anything else you would like to highlight to your visitors.

It is a great way to use the most viewed part of your website to show multiple offerings. 

 EverWeb SlideShow Hero Image

Slide Shows Act As Tabs on Responsive Rows

If you set a Responsive Row to a Slide Show then each slide will act as it’s own tab. That means, you can embed any type of shape, text, or widget in each slide.

Like the Hero Image above, you can fully customize your each Slide so they each have different content.

To move objects embedded on one slide to another one, simply right click and Select the ‘Embed In’ menu.

Add objects to Slide Show Slides in EverWeb

This is just one of the new features coming in EverWeb 3.6. We already spoke about the new Enhanced Security Options in a previous post. We are very excited about this new feature as well. 

Even more is included in EverWeb 3.6 including dramatic speed increases and stability enhancements.