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The All New Contact Forms: File Uploads, Form Submission Management and Exporting

Thursday, October 3, 2019 12:13 AM

Last month we released EverWeb 3.0, the biggest update to EverWeb since responsive website design was added in version 2.8.

The biggest new feature in version 3.0 is the all new Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on. We’ve added so many new features to the Contact Forms that all EverWeb users now have an all-in-one solution to gathering and managing feedback from their webiste visitors. 

Our video overview shows how to use the all new Contact Forms Enhanced features which include;

  1. File uploads so your visitors can send you PDFs, images and anything else
  2. Sorting, searching and managing your form submissions from your client area
  3. Export your contact form submissions as CSV or Excel files
  4. All new SPAM protection features
  5. New form controls for better control in what your visitors can send you
  6. All new styling options to better match your website
  7. Easy styled Submit buttons with mouse over transitions

Watch our new video tutorial as we walk you through all the great new features that come with EverWeb’s Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on.

You can easily purchase the Contact Forms Enhanced from our website and instantly start using all the new features.

How Can You Use The New Contacts Forms?

There are endless ways you can use the new Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on features. From just collecting feedback from your visitors to a sign up form, membership tracking, customer surveys and more.

Customer Surveys

Wouldn’t it be great if you could collect feedback from your visitors or customers and learn about what they liked, or disliked, about your product or service?

With EverWeb’s Contact Forms you can ask an unlimited number of questions to your visitors and have their answers go directly into an organized and searchable database. 

Learn what your customers need and how you can improve your products or services by just placing your Contact Form questionnaire on our EverWeb website.

Memberships & Sign Up Forms

Do you manage offline or online memberships?

EverWeb’s Contact Forms can be used to collect visitor details that go directly into your own searchable database. You can then export this database to your own management system in just a few clicks or manage everything from your EverWeb client area.

Now your customers can request memberships to your offline, or even online, membership service and you can collect all the information you need from them.

Collect PDFs, Image or Any Documents

Do you need certain documents such as PDFs or Image Files from your website visitors? Now your visitors can send you files directly from your website using the new File Upload features of the Contact Forms in EverWeb 3.0.

With the File Uploads feature you can request and collect multiple documents from your website visitors directly from your website. They won’t have to email you separately and you will have all submissions organized within your EverWeb client area. Searchable, sortable and exportable data that you can manage with ease.

Visitor Management

If you need to know anything about your website visitors you can do this easily with EverWeb's Contact Forms. Protect your self from SPAM using the new SPAM protection features, match your form design to your website layout and do this all without any coding. Just drag and drop your Contact Form onto your EverWeb website, add your form fields and publish your site.

No Set Up & No Technical Skills Required

With EverWeb’s Contact Forms Enhanced, there are no set up steps required, no technical skills needed and absolutely NO configuration required. Simply add the Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on to your account and everything just works!

Manage all form submissions as seen below directly from your EverWeb Client Area.

If you are already using EverWeb’s Contact Forms simply adding the Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on gives you all the new features shown in our video tutorial above. All form submissions will go to your very own searchable, sortable and exportable database as shown above. 

Privacy Friendly & GDPR Compliant 

With the Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on you can quickly and easily delete any form submissions if required by your visitors. They are fully GDPR compliant and will help you follow privacy laws in your country,

Start Using Contact Forms Enhanced Today!

It’s never been this easy to request and collect feedback from your customers and website visitors. Download EverWeb 3.0 and start using the all new Contact Forms Enhanced Add-on!