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EverWeb 3.0 Feature Spotlight: Enhanced Contact Forms with File Uploads

Friday, August 9, 2019 7:03 PM

Have you ever wanted to collect image files, PDF documents or any other kind of file from your website visitors?

If so, we’ve got great news! The biggest new feature in EverWeb 3.0 is Contact Forms Enhanced, a new add-on that lets you supercharge your Contact Forms with;

  1. File uploads that let visitors send you files directly from your website
  2. A backend administration section showing all contact form submissions
  3. Export contact form submissions as CSV or Excel files
  4. Search and sort contact form submissions
  5. And much more!

In addition to these awesome new features, Contact Forms get a whole bunch of new styling options which gives you a lot more control over how your Contact Forms look and integrate with your website design. We’ve also added new form controls and a lot of new customization options.

Lastly, SPAM protection using industry standard Google Captcha has now been fully implemented and is simple to set up. So now you can protect yourself from SPAM coming in from your website with absolutely no technical set up. 

We take care of the hard part for you!

Contact Form Enhanced Add-on Additions

The all new Contact Form Enhanced add-on gives you even more options for your EverWeb Contact Forms.

Now you can request file uploads from your website visitors (in addition to the new styling options) as shown below. In our sample form we ask for two kinds of files from our visitors.

We can make these fields optional or required when submitting the forms depending on our requirements.

Notice as well the all new ‘Submit' button that is styled with normal and mouse hover states, the highlighted ‘Message’ field and the new ‘Modern’ theme applied to the contact form. You can also specify ‘placeholder’ text for each field so users know what they need to enter in each one.

Contact Form Submission Management

With the new Contact Form Enhanced button you can login to your client area and see all previous form submissions, search through them and even export them as CSV files and manage them in Numbers.app or Excel.

The new backend management lets you download any files sent from your visitors, delete submissions you don’t need or just back them up for your own records. Now all of your form submissions are organized, sorted and easily searchable!

New Email Notifications of Form Submissions

We’ve redesigned the form submission email you receive whenever someone submits a form to you. It is now nicely laid out in an organized table with direct links to your form management page.

If you are just using regular forms without the Contact Form Enhanced add-on you do not have a limit on how many submissions you can receive. Once you reach the maximum number of form submissions you will always continue to receive email notifications, but they won’t be added to your backend management.

Spam Protection with reCaptcha (Instant Set Up)

EverWeb 3.0 includes all new SPAM protection using Google’s industry standard reCaptcha technology. Set up is as simple as logging into your Google account and getting your special keys to be entered in the Contact Form’s Widget Settings.

Now you can be sure your email box is protected from spammers or malicious users. Never again receive unsolicited emails from spammers!

New Contact Form Styling Features 

We’ve included a huge number of styling and contact form customization options in EverWeb 3.0.

The Submit button can now be styled with awesome mouse hover transitions so you no longer need to use an image, or the standard grey Submit button. You can customize the Submit button alignment and even have it span the entire form length.

Form controls now have spacing  and padding options allowing you to space out your form controls more clearly and even set background colors for individual form controls in order to highlight important fields. You can adjust form control alignment and width to match the style and look of your website.

Additionally, all EverWeb widgets can now use the ‘Shape Background Fill' options in the inspector, so this would include your forms as well. You know have complete control over your Contact Form designs!

Even More Contact Form 3.0 Features...

We’ve included a number of Contact Form enhancements including a new Selection List form control that lets your visitors select multiple options from a list. You can even import a text file of options for the Selection List, Drop Down Menu, Checkbox Options and Radio Button options so adding long lists of items is much faster.

We’ve improved email notification sending and fixed a number of issues for great compatability with third party web hosting providers.

We hope you love the new Contact Forms as we put a lot of work into them. Let us know what you think below in the comments!