To add a Statcounter.com tracking code to your EverWeb website, please follow these steps.
After you have logged into your Statcounter.com account, click on the Add Project button.
Enter your project’s URL, and a title for your project. Then select your country and timezone.
Next, select the Invisible Tracking code.
Then choose how often you would like receive your traffic reports via email. Please note that you do not need to receive any email reports if you do not want. You can always just check your stats on the website here.
When you are done, click on the Add Project button. Next, click on the link that reads Default Installation Guide. On the next page copy the code that appears in the Standard box.
Next, open up your site in EverWeb. As instructed by Statcounter.com, paste the code in the Footer code box. After you publish your website, you will begin to be able to track all website visitors when you log in to your Statcounter.com account.