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Selling Tickets With  Eventbrite And EverWeb!

Video Transcript:

► This Video's Contents...

0:00 - Introduction and Minimum EverWeb Version Required

0:30 - About EverWeb Garden

0:37 - Installing EverWeb Garden's Eventbrite widget in EverWeb

1:03 - Signing Up to Eventbrite and Creating an Event

1:30 - Adding Your Event In To Your EverWeb Website

2:11 - Using Embedded Checkout Style

2:27 - Using External Button Checkout Style

We recommend using EverWeb version 3.1 or higher, for macOS or Windows to use the features described in this video.

Eventbrite is a global, online event management and ticketing service.

You can easily add your own events created in Eventbrite in to your website using EverWeb Garden’s Eventbrite widget.

EverWeb Garden is a third party EverWeb widget provider. To find out more about their widgets, check out their website or follow the link in the description below.


Once you have downloaded the Eventbrite widget from the EverWeb Garden website, you will need to install it in EverWeb.

First, click on the Widgets tab in EverWeb. Then drag and drop the Eventbrite widget from your downloads area on your computer, on top of the widgets. The Eventbrite widget will be installed.

To use the widget, drag and drop it from the Widgets tab on to your page.

To use the widget, you will need to have an Eventbrite account. Either click on the ‘Sign Up to eventbrite.com' button at the top of the widget, or sign up directly on Eventbrite’s website.

When signing up, you can immediately create an event. Eventbrite will walk you through the whole process in a simple, guided way.

Once you have created your event, publish it so that anyone interested can purchase a ticket, or collect a free ticket if you are holding a free event.

To add the event you have created in to EverWeb, just copy the Event URL of your event to the clipboard. In EverWeb, go to the ‘Event ID or URL field’ in the Eventbrite widget, and paste in the URL from the clipboard.

If you already have an Eventbrite account and have created an event, login to your account to access your event’s URL.

Click on the Events button in the left hand column of the screen.

Click on the three vertical buttons to the right of your event, then select ‘Copy URL’.

Paste the copied URL in to the ‘Event ID or URL’ field in the Eventbrite widget in EverWeb.

The Eventbrite widget allows you to choose your checkout style. You have the options of 'Embedded Checkout' or 'External Button'.

The 'Embedded Checkout' option will embed checkout details directly from Eventbrite, so you may have to publish your site in order to see how this looks.

Alternatively, you can use the 'External Button' option. This allows you to add a text description of your event and choose the button caption you want.

The button and text can be left, right or center aligned.

Use the Button Appearance options to alter the look of the button as desired.

Once finished, preview or publish your site.