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EverWeb 3.7.1 Release Notes

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 4:58 PM

[NEW] Social media OG tags now work  properly for Blog posts including the title, image and image dimension tags. They will use the image assigned as the post image

[NEW] Right click -> Follow link now works for shapes with a link and navigation bar 

[NEW] Right clicking on any shape or text now has an "Edit Link" option which quickly brings you to the Link tab in the Inspector

[NEW] When you drag an image over shapes set to "Image Fill” or "Slide Show" you will see an indicator that you can drop the images on them

[NEW] Shapes set to "Slide Show Fill" accept image files being dropped on them

[NEW] You can now click the pagination button within the Slide Show object to switch between slides

[NEW] "Follow Link' option when right clicking works for links set to "next" and "previous"

[FIX] Fixed a bug with right or center aligned text in a text object "jumping" when trying to edit it 

[FIX] Fixed object shadow code on European versions of macOS 

[FIX] You can no longer link a navigation bar object (since the pages within it are automatically linked) 

[FIX] Slide Show Fill left arrow button works properly when clicked tp bring you to the previous slide

[FIX] Fixed a potential crash with the RSS Feed Widget 

[FIX] Fixed scrollbar issue in Inspector 

[FIX] Simple Contact Form default height is larger now and it has a label at the top of Inspector -> Widget Settings

[FIX] Fixed crash when copying and pasting certain text into EverWeb’s Design Canvas

[FIX] Fixed the default text changing in the Text Section widget when making an change from the inspector

[FIX] Fixed a few rare crashes with undo and adding new pages

[CHG] The Section labels that appear when dragging objects around will disappear after 2 seconds automatically and will show up less frequently

[CHG] Inspector-> Parallax scrolling option is now on the Image Fill tab since it only works with this options