EverWeb 3.7 Release Notes
Monday, April 25, 2022 8:26 AM
[NEW] Contact Forms: Any file uploads are now included in the submission email received from the forms so they can be easily downloaded
[NEW] Contact Forms: Required option for the drop down menus now work
[NEW] New PayPal Widget quantity discount options
[NEW] Force Download option to tell browser to download linked files (such as PDFs) instead of displaying them in the browser
[NEW] The Link Window for Widgets now has the next/previous/current/first page options for links
[NEW] The Link Window for Widgets now offers support for scroll positions, popup windows and nofollow options
[NEW] Improvements to how Responsive Rows work within the EverWeb Design Canvas. You can easily see which objects you are moving around and where they will drop. Plus some additional fixes
[NEW] Header/Footer code sections under Edit Publishing Settings are slightly larger
[NEW] Backup preferences has a ’Show On Disk' option for the Backup folder so you can find your backups if needed
[NEW} Under 'Publishing Settings’ there is a 'Email Settings' button to easily see the configuration settings needed to use in your email client
[NEW] Duplicate menu item works for Blog posts
[FIX] Fixed a bug with Contact Forms Simple and PHP 8
[FIX] optimizations for getting very large widget previews (such as blogs)
[FIX] Duplicate and Copy menu items for blog pages are disabled appropriately
[FIX] Fixes the inspector changing the tab when editing links in a text box
[FIX] Fixed responsive full width text boxes not adjusting their height properly
[FIX] Fixed shapes with no fill option and borders set
[FIX] Improved localizations
[FIX] Optimize SEO checkbox properly disabled when publishing
[FIX] Show hyperlink indicator now appears for all shapes using fill color
[FIX] Using passwords that are only numbers for password protection now works properly
[FIX] Duplicate/Copy menus for blog pages are disabled properly
[FIX] For blog pages that may add a lot of extra space to the footer of a website