EverWeb 3.3.1 Release Notes
Monday, July 27, 2020 7:02 AM
[FIX] Fixes issues with popup windows appearing underneath navigation bars in some cases
[FIX] Fixes popup windows that would sometimes open in a new window instead of as an actual popup window
[FIX] Optimized code for popup windows
[FIX] Pagination buttons at the bottom of the Image Gallery would sometimes respond to mouse clicks
[FIX] Some bold text with certain font type faces would not export as bold
[FIX] Using a Responsive Row on a fixed width page now displays properly when designing within EverWeb
[FIX] Vimeo Widget now properly respects the maximum width settings
[FIX] RSS Feeds with images will now more reliably get the correct image to display from the RSS feed when publishing
[FIX] Copying and pasting or duplicating a Responsive Row will duplicate all items within it
[FIX] Contact Form email sending improvements
[FIX] Blog post font styling fixes specifically when using Google fonts
[FIX] Fixes a possible crash when resizing or closing the main EverWeb window
[CHG] Removed the ‘Convert to Web Resolution’ dialog when adding images